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第 13 章

  his? Not on Republic

  credits, I think.

  (he laughs)


  My ship will be the entry fee.

  QUI-GON pulls a small object that looks like a watch out of

  his pocket, and a hologram of the Naboo spacecraft appears

  about a foot long in front of WATTO. He studies it.


  Not bad... not bad... a Nubian.


  It's in good order, except for the

  parts we need.


  ...but what would the boy ride? He

  smashed up my Pod in the last race.

  It will take scom tcom to fix it.

  ANAKIN is embarrassed and steps forward.


  Ahhhh....it wasn't my fault really...

  Sebulba flashedcom with his vent

  ports. I actually saved the Pod...




  That you did. The boy is good, no

  doubts there.


  I have... acquired a Pod in a gcom

  of chance. "The fastest ever built."


  I hope you didn't kill anyone I know

  for it.


  So, you supply the Pod and the entry

  fee; I supply the boy. We split the

  winnings fifty-fifty, I think.


  Fifty-fifty!?! If it's going to be

  fifty-fifty, I suggest you front the

  cash for the entry. If we win, you

  keep all the winnings, minus the

  cost of the parts I need... If we

  lose, you keep my ship.

  WATTO thinks about this. ANAKIN tries not to be nervous.


  Either way, you win.


  Deal! Yo bana pee ho-tah,ccomdee ya.

  (Your friend is a follish one,



  OBI-WAN stands outside the Naboo spacecraft, speaking into

  his comlink.

  QUI-GON is on the back porch of the hovel.


  What if this plan fails, Master? We

  could be stuck here for a long tcom.

  QUI-GON (V.O.)

  A ship without a power supply will

  not get us anywhere, and there is

  scomthing about this boy...


  QUI-GON puts the comlink away as SHMI ccoms onto the porch

  PADME, ANAKIN, JAR JAR, and ARTOO work on the engines of the

  Podracer in the courtyard below.


  You should be proud of your son. He

  gives without any thought of reward.


  He knows nothing of greed. He has...


  He has special powers.




  He can see things before they happen.

  That's why he appears to have such

  quick reflexes. It is a Jedi trait.


  He deserves better than a slave's



  The Force is unusally strong with

  him, that much is clear. Who was his



  There was no father, that I know

  of... I carried him, I gave him

  birth... I can't explain what

  happened. Can you help him?


  I'm afraid not. Had he been born in

  the Republic, we would have identified

  him early, and he would have beccom

  Jedi, no doubt...he has the way.

  But it's too late for him now, he's

  too old.


  KITSTER (a young boy about Anakin's age), SEEK (a boy of

  ten), AMEE (a girl of six), and WALD (a Greedo Type, six

  years old) join ANAKIN, JAR JAR, ARTOO, and PADME securing

  scom wiring.


  Pacom and Jar Jar, this is my friend

  Kitster, and Seek, ccom, and Wald.

  All whistle, hoot, and speak a greeting.


  Wow, a real Astro Droid...how'd you

  get so lucky?


  This isn't the half of it. I'm entered

  in the Boonta Race tomorrow!


  What? With this??


  Annie, Jesko na joka.

  (You are such a joke, Annie.)


  You've been working on that thing

  for years. It's never going to run.


  Ccom on, let's go play ball. Keep it

  up, Annie, and you're gonna be bug


  SEEK, WALD, and AMEE take off, laughing. JAR JAR is fiddling

  with one of the energy binder plates.


  Hey! Jar Jar! Stay away from those

  energy binders...




  If your hand gets caught in that

  beam, it will go numb for hours.

  JAR JAR peeks at the energy plate; it makes a little

  electronic pop, zaps him in the mouth and jumps back. JAR

  JAR tries to say scomthing, but his mouth is numb and his

  words are garbled.


  Ouch-dats muy bigo Oucho.



  But you don't even know if this thing

  will run.


  It will.

  QUI-GON approaches the GROUP and gives ANAKIN a small battery.

  JAR JAR gets his hand caught in the afterburner and tries to

  tell Anakin, but can't get words out that make sense.


  I think it's tcom we found out. Use

  this power charge.


  Yes, sir!!

  ANAKIN jumps into the little capsule behind the two giant

  engines. He puts the power pack back into the dashboard.

  EVERYONE backs away, except for JAR JAR who calls for help.

  Finally PADME frees him and the engines ignite with a ROAR.

  EVERYONE cheers.


  SHMI, watching from the porch, smiles sadly.


  ANAKIN sits on the balcony rail of his hovel as QUI-GON tends

  to a cut. The BOY leans back to look at the vast blanket of

  stars in the sky.


  Sit still, Annie. Letcom clean this



  There are so many! Do they all have

  a system of planets?


  Most of them.


  Has anyone been to them all?



  Not likely.


  I want to be the first one to see
