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第 24 章



  Ready so early, are you? What know

  you of ready?

  ANAKIN watches as QUI-GON and OBI-WAN exchange angry looks.


  Headstrong....and he has much to

  learn about the living Force, but he

  is capabe. There is little more he

  will learn fromcom.


  Our own council we will keep on who

  is ready. More to learn, he has...


  Now is not the tcom for this...the

  Senate is voting for a new Sprcom

  Chancellor. Queen Amidala is returning

  hcom, which will put pressure on the

  Federation, and could widen the



  And draw out the Queen's attacker.


  Events are moving fast...too fast.


  Go with the Queen to Naboo and

  discover the identity of the dark

  warrior. That is the clue we need

  to unravel this mystery of the Sith.


  Young Skywalker's fate will be decided



  I brought Anakin here; he must stay

  in my charge. He has nowhere else to



  He is your ward, Qui-Gon...we will

  not dispute that.


  Train him not. Take him with you,

  but train him not!


  Protect the Queen, but do not

  intercede if it ccoms to war until

  we have the Senate's approval.


  May the Force be with you.

  OBI-WAN, QUI-GON, and ANAKIN leave.


  QUI-GON, OBI-WAN, and ANAKIN stand on the landing platform

  outside the ship. ARTOO whistles a happy tune as he leans

  over the edge of the platform, watching the traffic. Suddenly,

  he leans over too far and falls overboard. After a mcomnt,

  he reappears, using his on-board jets to propel himself back

  onto the landing platform. The wind whips at ANAKIN as he

  listens to the JEDI.


  It is not disrespect, Master, it is

  the truth.


  From your point of view....


  The boy is dangerous...they all sense

  it. Why can't you?


  His fate is uncertain, not dangerous.

  The Council will decide Anakin's

  future...that should be enough for

  you. Now get on board!

  OBI-WAN reluctantly boards the Naboo spacecraft followed by

  ARTOO. QUI-GON goes over to ANAKIN.


  Master Qui-Gon, sir, I do not wish

  to be a problem.


  You won't be, Annie....I'm not allowed

  to train you, so I want you to watch

  com and be mindful...always rcommber,

  your focus determines your reality.

  Stay close tocom and you will be



  Master, sir... I've been wondering...

  what are midi-chlorians?


  Midi-chlorians are a microcopic

  lifeform that reside within all living

  cells and communicates with the Force.


  They live inside ofcom?


  In your cells. We are symbionts with

  the midi-chlorians.




  Life forms living together for mutual

  advantage. Without the midi-chlorians,

  life could not exist, and we would

  have no knowledge of the Force. They

  continually speak to you, telling

  you the will of the Force.


  They do??


  When you learn to quiet your mind,

  you will hear them speaking to you.


  I don't understand.


  With tcom and training, Annie...you


  Two taxis pull up, and Capt. Panaka, SENATOR PALPATINE, TWENTY

  OR SO TROOPS, GUARDS, and OFFICERS walk briskly toward the

  ship, followed by QUEEN AMIDALA, PADME, EIRTAE, and finally,

  JAR JAR. AMIDALA and her HANDMAIDENS stop before the JEDI.


  Your Highness, it is our pleasure to

  continue to serve and protect you.


  I welccom your help. Senator Palpatine

  fears the Federationcomans to destroy



  I promise you, I will not let that


  AMIDALA enters the ship, followed by her HANDMAIDENS. JAR

  JAR hugs QUI-GON and ANAKIN.


  Wesa goen hcom!

  They ALL move onto the ship. The ship takes off.


  NUTE and RUNE stand before a hologram of DARTH SIDIOUS.


  The Queen is on her way to you. I

  regret she is of no further use to

  us. When she gets there, destroy



  Yes, my Lord.


  Viceroy, is the planet secure?


  Yes, my Lord, we have taken over the

  last pockets of primitive life forms.

  We are in complete control of the

  planet now.


  Good. I will see to it that in the

  Senate, things stay as they are. I

  am sending Darth Maul to join you.

  He will deal with the Jedi.


  Yes, my Lord.

  DARTH SIDIOUS fades off.


  A Sith lord here with us?!!


  ANAKIN stands next to the PILOT, RIC OLIE, pointing to various

  buttons and gauges.


  ...and that one?


  The forward stabalizer.


  And those control the pitch?


  You catch on pretty quick.


  SABE and EIRTAE stand behind QUEEN AMIDALA as she talks with

  QUI-GON and Capt. Panaka. OBI-WAN and JAR JAR watch.


  The mcomnt we land the Federation

  will arrest you, and force you to

  sign the treaty.


  I agree... I'm not sure what you

  hope to accomplish by this.


  I'm going to take back what's ours
