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第 26 章

  have worked so hard to build. You

  are in hiding, my people are in camps.

  If we do not act quickly, all will

  be lost forever...I ask you to help

  us...no, I beg you to help us.

  PADME drops to her knees and prostrates herself before BOSS

  NASS. There is a gasp from Capt. Panaka, HIS TROOPS, and the



  We are your humble servants...our

  fate is in your hands.

  Slowly, Capt. Panaka and his TROOPS bow down before the GUNGAN

  COUNCIL. Then the HANDMAIDENS, ANAKIN, and finally the JEDI.

  The GUNGANS are puzzled by this. BOSS NASS begins to laugh.


  Yousa no tinken yousa greater den da

  Gungans.. Mesa like dis. Maybe wesa

  bein friends.


  NUTE, RUNE, and DARTH MAUL walk with a hologram of DARTH



  ...we've sent out patrols. We've

  already located their starship in

  the swamp... It won't be long, My



  This is an unexpected move for her.

  It's too aggresive... Lord Maul, be



  Yes, my Master.


  Be patient... Let them make the first



  A GUNGAN SENTRY sits on top of the ancient temple heah,

  searching the landscape with a pair of electrobinoculars. He

  sees scomthing and yells down to ANAKIN at the foot of the



  Daza ccomn!


  All right. They're here!

  ANAKIN yells and runs over to PADME and the JEDI, who are

  discussing a battle plan with FIVE GUNGAN GENERALS. SABE and

  EIRTAE stand nearby. BOSS NASS puts his arm around JAR JAR.


  Yousa doen grand. Jar Jar bringen da

  Naboo together.


  Oh, no, no, no...


  So, wesa maken yousa Bombad General.


  General??! Oh, no..

  JAR JAR's eyes roll back, his tongue flops out and he faints.

  FOUR SPEEDERS pull up to the GROUP. Capt. Panaka and a DOZEN

  OR SO GUARDS and PILOT pile out and join the group.


  What is the situation?


  Almost everyone's in camps. A few

  hundred police and guards have focomd

  an underground movcomnt. I brought

  as many of the keaders as I could.

  The Federation Army's also much larger

  than we thought, and much stronger.

  Your Highness, this is a battle I do

  not think we can win.


  The battle is a diversion. The Gungans

  must draw the Droid Army away from

  the cities. We can enter the city

  using the secret passages on the

  waterfall side. Once we get to the

  main entrance, Capt. Panaka will

  create a diversion, so that we can

  enter the palace and capture the


  Without the Viceroy, they will be

  lost and confused.

  QUI-GON and OBI-WAN look on with interest.


  What do you think, Master Jedi?


  The Viceroy will be well guarded.


  The difficulty's getting into the

  throne room. Once we're inside, we

  shouldn't have a problem.


  There is a possibility with this

  diversion many Gungans will be killed.


  Wesa ready to do are-sa part.

  JAR JAR smiles a very worried and sheepish grin. ANAKIN

  watches with interest, as does ARTOO.


  We have a plan which should immobilize

  the Droid Army. We will send what

  pilots we have to knock out the Droid

  control ship which is orbiting the

  planet. If we can get past their

  rayshields, we can sever communication

  and their droids will be helpless.


  A well-conceived plan. However,

  there's great risk. The weapons on

  your fighters may not penetrate the

  shields on the control ship.


  And there's an even bigger danger.

  If the Vicroy escapes, Your Highness,

  he will return with another droid



  That is why we must not fail to get

  to the Viceroy. Everything depends

  on it.


  NUTE, RUNE, DARTH MAUL, OOM-9, and a hologram of DARTH SIDIOUS

  walk through the throne room.


  ...she is more foolish than I thought.


  We are sending all available troops

  toccomt this army of hers assembling

  near the swamp. It appears to be

  made up of primitives. We do not

  expect much resistance.


  I am increasing security at all Naboo

  detention camps.


  I feel there is more to this, My

  Master. The two Jedi may be using

  the Queen for their own purposes.


  The Jedi cannot beccom involved.

  They can only protect the Queen.

  Even Qui-Gon Jinn will not break

  that conenant.... This will work to

  our advantage...


  I have your approval to proceed then,

  My Lord.


  Proceed. Wipe them put...all of them.


  All is peaceful. SMALL CRITTERS drink out of a large swamp

  lake. Suddenly there is a disturbance in the middle of the

  lake. A rush of bubbles, then a GUNGAN SOLDIER riding a KAADU

  comrges from the water, followed by SEVERAL OTHERS. FROGS

  and OTHER LITTLE ANIMALS flee in all directions as the GUNGAN

  ARMY marches through the swamp. The KAADU shake themselves

  off as they exit the lake. When JAR JAR's KAADU shakes off,

  JAR JAR falls off.

  SOLDIERS on huge, lizard-like FAMBAAS with large shield

  generators mounted on their backs follow the marching

  WARRIORS. The GUNGAN ARMY heads out of the swamp and onto

  the rolling grassy hills.

  HUNDREDS OF GUNGAN WARRIORS march in lon lines toward the


  Federation tanks move up to a ridge and stop. In the distance

  they see the GUNGAN ARMY marching toward them. The GUNGAN

  GENERAL CEEL sees the tanks on the ridge and orders a halt.

  The GUNGANS are spread out in a large line.

  JAR JAR is nervous. GENERAL CEEL signals to the shield



  Energize the shields.
