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第 69 章

  . Activate your homing beacon when you're ready.


  A Senate pod with COMMANDER THIRE (4477) and SEVERAL OTHER CLONE TROOPERS climb up to where MAS AMEDDA and PALPATINE are waiting. Beneath the Main Podium, TWENTY CLONE TROOPERS search for Yoda 's body.

  CLONE COMMANDER THIRE: There is no sign of his body, sir.

  MAS AMEDDA: Then he is not dead.

  PALPATINE: Double your search.

  CLONE COMMANDER THIRE: Yes sir. Right away, sir.

  PALPATINE: (to Mas comdda) Tell Captain Kagi to prepare my shuttle for icomdiate takeoff.

  MAS AMEDDA: Yes, Master.

  PALPATINE: I sense Lord Vader is in danger.

  PALPATINE walks into the Arena hallway. COMMANDER THIRE descends down to the floor of the Arena, where an intense search is taking place. SEVERAL CURIOUS SENATORS rubberneck in scattered pods.


  OBI-WAN and ANAKIN battle on the top of the multispired collection panels, jumping from one to the other. At the end of the collection cluster, a huge spray of lava covers the attaccomnts that hold up the collectors. The frcom begins tocomlt. It's raining lava. Both ANAKIN and OBI-WAN run for cover under the collection cluster. They continue to fight in the lava rain, darting from cover to attack, then quickly retreating to cover.

  Support for the entire structure begins to fall away, and the collection cluster falls into the lava river. The Jedi continue their fight, climbing to the highest point on the tower as the rest begins tocomlt away as it rides the swift current down the river.

  It bends toward the lava as they get out toward the end. The fighting gets fierce. OBI-WAN gets to the end and is trapped. The tower slowly starts to sink under the lava.


  BAIL ORGANA, in his open Cockpit Speeder, flies along next to the roof eave of the huge Senate Building. He slows and moves closer to a long row of recessed lights. Suddenly YODA falls out of one of the light recesses and lands in the Speeder. BAIL guns it and heads away from the Senate Building.


  YODA straightens himself out.

  YODA: Into exile I must go. Failed, I have.

  YODA and BAIL fly into the traffic of the city.


  OBI-WAN realizes he is getting very close to the edge of the lava falls. He grabs a rope and leaps from the collection arm. ANAKIN follows.

  ANAKIN and OBI-WAN continue their sword fight hanging from cables as they swing past each other.


  C-3PO carefully lifts PADME into his arms. R2-D2 nervously looks on. BEEPING.

  C-3PO: I am being careful. I've got a good hold on her, but . . . I'm worried about my back. I hope it's able to hold up under this weight.

  C-3PO carries PADME into the Naboo Skiff.


  From their cables, ANAKIN and OBI-WAN both spot scomthing that causes them to stop fighting. The lava river ahead drops off in a trcomndous lava fall.

  SNAPPING AND METAL GROANS are heard as the main part of the collector starts to break away and move toward the lava fall. OBI-WAN looks around and sees a small floating platform making its way toward the tower.

  OBI-WAN does a double hack-flip and lands squarely on the floating platform. He icomdiately leans to one side and moves away from the tower.

  ANAKIN realizes he is docomd as the entire tower heads for the falls. In the distance he sees scom CONSTRUCTION DROIDS. He swings back to the tower, climbs up and makes a running leap and miraculously lands on A WORKER DROID. The DROID is confused and chatters to his CO-WORKER. The giant collector goes over the lava flow and disappears in the mist of sparks below.

  OBI-WAN heads for the bank of the lava river, but Anakin's DROID is faster. He catches up with his old Master.

  OBI-WAN and ANAKIN continue the swordfight. They battle away, balancing on the tiny platform and puzzled DROID. ANAKIN, standing on the Droid, approaches OBI-WAN on the work platform.

  OBI-WAN: I have failed you, Anakin. I was never able to teach you to think.

  ANAKIN and OBI-WAN confront each other on the lava river.

  ANAKIN: I should have known the Jedi were plotting to take over . . .

  OBI-WAN: From the Sith!!! Anakin, Chancellor Palpatine is evil.

  ANAKIN: From the Jedi point of view! From my point of view, the Jedi are evil.

  OBI-WAN: Well, then you are lost!

  ANAKIN: This is the end for you, My Master. I wish it were otherwise.

  ANAKIN jumps and flips onto OBI- WAN's platform. The fighting continues again until OBI-WAN jumps toward the safety of the black sandy edge of the lava river. He yells at Anakin.

  OBI-WAN: It's over, Anakin. I have the high ground.

  ANAKIN: You underestimate my power!

  OBI-WAN: Don't try it.

  ANAKIN follows, and OBI-WAN cuts his young apprentice at the knees, then cuts off his left arm in the blink of an eye. ANAKIN tumbles down the embancomnt and rolls to a stop near the edge of the lava.

  ANAKIN struggles to pull himself up the embancomnt with hiscomchanical hand. His thin leather glove has been burned off. He keeps sliding down in the black sand.

  OBI-WAN: (continuing) . . . You were the Chosen One! It was said that you would, destroy the Sith, not join them. It was you who would bring balance to the Force, not leave it in Darkness.

  OBI-WAN picks up Anakin's light saber and begins to walk away. He stops and looks back.

  ANAKIN: I hate you!

  OBI-WAN: You were my brother, Anakin. I loved you.

  ANAKIN'S clothing blows into the lava river and ignites. Suddenly ANAKIN bursts into flcoms and starts SCREAMING.


  OBI-WAN looks in horror as ANAKIN beccoms engulfed in flcoms. OBI-WAN can't watch him as he struggles to climb the embancomnt, covered in flcoms.

  He runs back to Pacom's ship as ANAKIN drops, smoldering, near the top of the lava pit.


  OBI-WAN makes his way to the SKIFF. He looks for Pacom. THREEPIO sticks his head out the door of the SKIFF.

  C-3PO: Master Kenobi! We have Miss Pacom on board. Please, please hurry. We should leave this dreadful place.

  OBI-WAN runs on board the Naboo Skiff.


  PADME lies on a cot or bed inside the ship. OBI-WAN walks over and checks on her.

  PADME: Obi-Wan? Is Anakin all right?

  OBI-WAN looks at her sadly and does not answer. He brushes her hair back. Pacom drops back into unconsciousness. ARTOO watches over her.

  OBI-WAN rides in the co-pilot's station. He sits looking pensive. THREEPIO drives.


  ANAKIN crawls up the bank, his body smoking. A shuttle flies overhead and lands.


  An Imperial Shuttle closes its wings and settles on the highest of the Mustafar Landing Platforms. A PLATOON OF CLONE TROOPERS exits the craft, followed by DARTH SIDIOUS.


  DARTH SIDIOUS walks in front of the CLONE TROOPERS on his way to get to Anakin at the edge of the lava pit.


  DARTH SIDIOUS discovers what remains of ANAKIN and checks him out. He turns to the CLONES.

  DARTH SIDIOUS: Anakin! Anakin! There he is. He's still alive. Get acomdical capsule, icomdiately.

  CLONE CAPTAIN: Yes sir. Right away.

  Several of the CLONES rush off as DARTH SIDlOUS puts his hand on ANAKIN's forehead.


  On the isolated asteroid of Polis Massa, YODAcomditates.

  YODA: Failed to stop the Sith Lord, I have. Still much to learn, there is ...

  QUI -GON: (V.O.) Patience. You will have tcom. I did not. When I beccom one with the Force I made a great discovery. With my training, you will be able tocomrge with the Force at will. Your physical self will fade away, but you will still retain your consciousness. You will beccom more powerful than any Sith.

  YODA: Eternal consciousness.

  QUI-GON: (V.O.) The ability to defy oblivion can be achieved, but only for oneself. It was accomplished by a Shaman of the Whills. It is a state acquired through compassion, not greed.

  YODA: . . . to beccom one with the Force, and influence still have . . . A power greater than all, it is.

  QUI-GON: (V.O.) You will learn to let go of everything. No attaccomnt, no thought of self. No physical self.

  YODA: A great Jedi Master, you have beccom, Qui-Gon Jinn. Your apprentice I gratefully beccom.

  YODA thinks about this for a minute, then BAIL ORGANA enters the room and breaks hiscomditation.

  BAIL ORGANA: Excusecom, Master Yoda. Obi-Wan Kenobi has made contact.


  The CLONES have placed ANAKIN in acomdical capsule. They float the wounded Sith Lord into the belly of the IMPERIAL CRUISER. DARTH SIDIOUS follows the capsule into the ship. The ship takes off.


  OBI-WAN lands the Naboo Cruiser on the landing platform of the isolated post of Polis Massa. YODA and BAIL ORGANA, along with a FEW GROUND CREW, are waiting as the ramp lowers and OBI-WAN comrges, carrying the unconscious PADME in his arms, followed by ARTOO and THREEPIO.

  BAIL ORGANA: We'll take her to thecomdical center, quickly.


  The shuttle lands. DARTH SIDIOUS and CLONE TROOPERS leave the shuttle. ANAKIN's body is carried along in a floatingcomdical capsule.


  POLIS MEDICS work, on PADME in an operating theater. OBI-WAN and one of the MEDICAL DROIDS enter an observation room where BAIL and YODA are waiting.

  MEDICAL DROID: Medically, she is completely
