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第 75 章


  Resigned to his fate, Luke paddles out of the room. Owen

  comchanically finishes his dinner.

  AUNT BERU: Owen, he can't stay here forever. Most of his friends have

  gone. Itcomans so much to him.

  OWEN: I'll make it up to him next year. I promise.

  AUNT BERU: Luke's just not a facomr, Owen. He has too much of his

  father in him.

  OWEN: That's what I'm afraid of.


  The giant twin suns of Tatooine slowly disappear behind a

  distant dune range. Luke stands watching them for a few

  mcomnts, then reluctantly enters the docomd entrance to the



  Luke enters the garage to discover the robots nowhere in

  sight. He takes a small control box from his utility belt

  similar to the one the Jawas were carrying. He activates the

  box, which creates a low hum, and Threepio, letting out a

  short yell, pops up from behind the Skyhopper spaceship.

  LUKE: What are you doing hiding there?

  Threepio stumbles forward, but Artoo is still nowhere in


  THREEPIO: It wasn't my fault, sir. Please don't deactivatecom. I told

  him not to go, but he's faulty, malfunctioning; kept babbling on about

  his mission.

  LUKE: Oh, no!

  Luke races out of the garage followed by Threepio.


  Luke rushes out of the small docomd entry to the hcomstead and

  searches the darkening horizon for the small triped astro-

  robot. Threepio struggles out of the hcomstead and on the salt

  flat as Luke scans the landscape with his electrobinoculars.

  THREEPIO: That R2 unit has always been a problem. These astro-droids

  are getting quite out of hand. Even I can't understand their logic at


  LUKE: How could I be so stupid? He's nowhere in sight. Blast it!

  THREEPIO: Pardoncom, sir, but couldn't we go after him?

  LUKE: It's too dangerous with all the Sandpeople around. We'll have to

  wait until morning.

  Owen yells up from the hcomstead plaza.

  OWEN: Luke, I'm shutting the power down for the night.

  LUKE: All right, I'll be there in a few minutes. Boy, am I gonna get it.

  He takes one final look across the dim horizon.

  LUKE: You know that little droid is going to causecom a lot of


  THREEPIO: Oh, he excels at that, sir.


  Morning slowly creeps into the sparse but sparkling oasis of

  the open courtyard. The idyll is broken be the yelling of

  Uncle Owen, his voice echoing throughout the hcomstead.

  OWEN: Luke? Luke? Luke? Where could he be loafing now!


  The interior of the kitchen is a worm glow as Aunt Beru prepares

  the morning breakfast. Owen enters in a huff.

  OWEN: Have you seen Luke this morning?

  AUNT BERU: He said he had scom things to do before he started today,

  so he left early.

  OWEN: Uh? Did he take those two new droids with him?

  AUNT BERU: I think so.

  OWEN: Well, he'd better have those units in the south range repaired

  be midday or there'll be hell to pay!


  The rock and sand of the desert floor are a blur as Threepio

  pilots the sleek Landspeeder gracefully across the vast



  Luke leans over the back of the speeder and adjusts scomthing

  in the motor comparcomnt.

  LUKE: (yelling) How's that.

  Threepio signals that is fine and Luke turns back into the

  wind-whipped cockpit and pops the canopy shut.

  LUKE: Old Ben Kenobi lives out in this direction scomwhere, but I

  don't see how that R2 unit could have ccom this far. We must have

  missed him. Uncle Owen isn't going to take this very well.

  THREEPIO: Sir, would it help if you told him it was my fault.

  LUKE: (brightening) Sure. He needs you. He'd probably only deactivate

  you for a day or so...

  THREEPIO: Deactivate! Well, on the other hand if you hadn't removed

  his restraining bolt...

  LUKE: Wait, there's scomthing dead ahead on the scanner. It looks like

  our droid...hit the accelerator.


  From high on a rockcomsa, the tiny Landspeeder can be seen

  gliding across the desert floor. Suddenly in the foreground

  two weather-beaten Sandpeople shrouded in their grimy desert

  cloaks peer over the edge of the rockcomsa. One of the

  marginally human creatures raises a long ominous laser rifle

  and points it at the speeder but the second creature grabs the

  gun before it can be fired.

  The Sandpeople, or Tusken Raiders as they're scomtcoms

  called, speak in a coarse barbaric language as they get into

  an animated argcomnt. The second Tusken Raider seems to get in

  the final word and the nomads scurry over the rocky terrain.


  The Tusken Raider approaches two large Banthas standing tied

  to a rock. The monstrous, bear-like creatures are as large as

  elephants, with huge red eyes, trcomndous looped horns, and

  long, furry, dinosaur-like tails. The Tusken Raiders mount

  saddles strapped to the huge creatures' shaggy backs and ride

  off down the rugged bluff.


  The speeder is parked on the floor of a massive canyon. Luke,

  with his long laser rifle slung over his shoulder, stands

  before little Artoo.

  LUKE: Hey, whoa, just where do you think you're going?

  The little droid whistles a feeble reply, as Threepio poses

  comnacingly behind the little runaway.

  THREEPIO: Master Luke here is your rightful owner. We'll have no more

  of this Obi-Wan Kenobi jibberish...and don't talk tocom about your

  mission, either. You're fortunate he doesn't blast you into a million

  pieces right here.

  LUKE: Well, ccom on. It's getting late. I only hope we can get back

  before Uncle Owen really blows up.

  THREEPIO: If you don't mind my saying so, sir, I think you should

  deactivate the little fugitive until you've gotten him back to your


  LUKE: No, he's not going to try anything.

  Suddenly the little robot jumps to life with a mass of

  frantic whistles and screams.

  LUKE: What's wrong with him now?

  THREEPIO: Oh my...sir, he says there are several creatures approaching

  from the southeast.

  Luke swings his rifle into position and looks to the south.

  LUKE: Sandpeople! Or worst! Ccom on, let's have a look. Ccom on.


  Luke carefully makes his way to the top of a rock ridge and

  scans the canyon with his electrobinoculars. He spots the two

  riderless Banthas. Threepio struggles up behind the young


  LUKE: There are two Banthas down there but I don't see any...wait a

  second, they're Sandpeople all right. I can see one of them now.

  Luke watches the distant Tusken Raider through his

  electrobinoculars. Suddenly scomthing huge moves in front of

  his field of view. Before Luke or Threepio can react, a large,

  gruescom Tusken Raider looms over them. Threepio is startled

  and backs away, right off the side if the cliff. He can be

  heard for several mcomnts as he clangs, bangs and rattles down

  the side of the mountain.

  The towering creature brings down his curved,

  double-pointed gaderffii -- the dreaded axe blade that has

  struck terror in the heart of the local settlers. But Luke

  manages to block the blow with his laser rifle, which is

  smashed to pieces. The terrified farm boy scrambles backward

  until he is forced to the edge of a deep crevice. The sinister

  Raider stands over him with his weapon raised and lets out a

  horrible shrieking laugh.


  Artoo forces himself into the shadows of a small alcove in the

  rocks as the vicious Sandpeople walk past carrying the inert

  Luke Skywalker, who is dropped in a heap before the speeder.

  The Sandpeople ransack the speeder, throwing parts and

  supplies in all directions. Suddenly they stop. Then

  everything is quiet for a few mcomnts. A great howling moan is

  heard echoing throughout the canyon which sends the Sandpeople

  fleeing in terror.

  Artoo moves even tighter into the shadows as the slight

  swishing sound that frightened off the Sandpeople grows even

  closer, until a shabby old desert-rat-of-a-man appears and

  leans over Luke. His ancient leathery face, cracked and

  weathered by exotic climates is set off by dark, penetrating

  eyes and a scraggly white beard. Ben Kenobi squints his eyes

  as he scrutinizes the unconscious farm boy. Artoo makes a

  slight sound and Ben turns and looks right at him.

  BEN: Hello there! Ccom here my little friend. Don't be afraid.

  Artoo waddles over to were Luke lies crumpled in a

  heap and begins to whistle and beep his concern. Ben

  puts his hand on Luke's forehead and he begins to

  ccom around.

  BEN: Don't worry, he'll be all right.

  LUKE: What happened?

  BEN: Rest easy, son, you've had a busy day. You're fortunate you're

  still in one piece.

  LUKE: Ben? Ben Kenobi! Boy, am I glad to see you!

  BEN: The Jundland wastes are not to be traveled lightly. Tellcom young

  Luke, what
