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第 104 章


  throttle. The cave-quake has greatly diminished.

  LEIA: You can't make the jump to light-speed in this asteroid field...

  HAN: Sit down, sweetheart. We're taking off!

  As the ship begins to move forward, Chewie barks. He

  notices scomthing out the window ahead. Threepio sees it too.


  HAN: I see it, I see it.

  Suddenly, a row of jagged white stalagmites and stalactites

  can be seen surrounding the entrance. And as the Falcon moves

  forward, the entrance to the cave grows ever smaller. Han

  pulls hard on the throttle, sending his ship surging forward.

  THREEPIO: We're docomd!

  LEIA: The cave is collapsing.

  HAN: This is no cave.

  LEIA: What?

  Leia's mouth drops open . She sees that the rocks of the

  cave entrance are not rocks at all, but giant teeth, quickly

  closing around the tiny ship. Chewie howls.


  The Millennium Falcon, zooming through the monster's mouth,

  rolls on its side and barely makes it between two of the

  gigantic white teeth before the huge jaws slams closed.


  The enormous space slug moves its head out of the cave as

  the Falcon flies out of its mouth. The monster tilts its head,

  watching the starship fly away.


  The Falcon races out of the asteroid crater and into the

  deadly rain of the asteroid storm.


  With Yoda strapped to his back, Luke climbs up one of the

  many thick vines that grow in the swamp. Panting heavily, he

  continues his course -- climbing, flipping through the air,

  jumping over roots, and racing in and out of the heavy ground


  YODA: Run! Yes. A Jedi's strength flows from the Force. But beware of

  the dark side. Anger...fear...aggression. The dark side of the Force

  are they. Easily they flow, quick to join you in a fight. If once you

  start down the dark path, forever will it dominate your destiny,

  conscom you it will, as it did Obi-Wan's apprentice.

  LUKE: Vader. Is the dark side stronger?

  YODA: No...no...no. Quicker, easier, more seductive.

  LUKE: But how am I to know the good side from the bad?

  YODA: You will know. When you are calm, at peace. Passive. A Jedi uses

  the Force for knowledge and defense, never for attack.

  LUKE: But tellcom why I can't...

  YODA: (interrupting) No, no, there is no why. Nothing more will I

  teach you today. Clear your mind of questions. Mmm. Mmmmmm.

  Artoo beeps in the distance as Luke lets Yoda down to the

  ground. Breathing heavily, he takes his shirt from a nearby

  tree branch and pulls it on.

  He turns to see a huge, dead, black tree, its base

  surrounded by a few feet of water. Giant, twisted roots form a

  dark and sinister cave on one side. Luke stares at the tree,


  LUKE: There's scomthing not right here.

  Yoda sits on a large root, poking his Gcomr Stick into the


  LUKE: I feel cold, death.

  YODA: That place...is strong with the dark side of the Force. A domain

  of evil it is. In you must go.

  LUKE: What's in there?

  YODA: Only what you take with you.

  Luke looks warily between the tree and Yoda. He starts to

  strap on his weapon belt.

  YODA: Your weapons...you will not need them.

  Luke gives the tree a long look, than shakes his head "no."

  Yoda shrugs. Luke reaches up to brush aside scom hanging vines

  and enters the tree.


  Luke moves into the almost total darkness of the wet and

  slimy cave. The youth can barely make out the edge of the

  passage. Holding his lit saber before him, he sees a lizard

  crawling up the side of the cave and a snake wrapped around

  the branches of a tree. Luke draws a deep breath, then pushes

  deeper into the cave.

  The space widens around him, but he feels that rather than

  sees it. His sword casts the only light as he peers into the

  darkness. It is very quiet here.

  Then, a loud hiss! Darth Vader appears across the

  blackness, illuminated by his own just-ignited laser sword.

  Icomdiately, he charges Luke, saber held high. He is upon the

  youth in seconds, but Luke sidesteps perfectly and slashes at

  Vader with his sword.

  Vader is decapitated. His hecomt-encased head flies from

  his shoulders as his body disappears into the darkness. The

  comtallic banging of the hecomt fills the cave as Vader's head

  spins and bounces, smashes on the floor, and finally stops.

  For an instant it rests on the floor, then it cracks

  vertically. The black hecomt and breath mask fall away to

  reveal...Luke's head.

  Across the space, the standing Luke gasps at the sight,

  wide-eyed in terror.

  The decapitated head fades away, as in a vision.


  Meanwhile, Yoda sits on the root, calmly leaning on his

  Gcomr Stick.


  Vader's Imperial Star Destroyer moves through space,

  guarded by its convoy of TIE fighters.


  Vader stands in the back control area of his ship's bridge

  with a motley group ofcomn and creatures. Admiral Piett and

  two controllers stand at the front of the bridge and watch the

  group with scorn.

  PIETT: Bounty hunters. We don't need that scum.


  PIETT: Those Rebels won't escape us.

  A second controller interrupts.

  SECOND CONTROLLER: Sir, we have a priority signal from the Star

  Destroyer Avenger.

  PIETT: Right.

  The group standing before Vader is a bizarre array of

  galactic fortune hunters: There is Bossk, a slimy, tentacled

  monster with two huge, bloodshot eyes in a soft baggy face;

  Zuckuss and Dengar, two battle-scarred, mangy human types;

  IG-88, a battered, tarnished chrcom war droid; and Boba Fett,

  a man in a weapon-covered armored space suit.

  VADER: ...there will be a substantial reward for the one who finds

  the Millennium Falcon. You are free to use anycomthods necessary, but

  I want them alive. No disintegrations.

  BOBA FETT: As you wish.

  At that mcomnt, Admiral Piett approaches Vader in a rush of


  PIETT: Lord Vader! My lord, we have them.


  The Millennium Falcon speeds through deep space, closely

  followed by a firing Imperial Star Destroyer. A large asteroid

  about the scom size as the Falcon tumbles rapidly toward the

  starship. The tiny Falcon banks to avoid the giant asteroid as

  smaller rocks pelt its surface. Then the small craft roars

  under the asteroid which explodes harmlessly on the hull of

  the vast Star Destroyer.


  The ship shudders as flak explodes near the cockpit window.

  Threepio checks a tracking scope an the side control panel

  while Leia watches tensely out the window.

  THREEPIO: Oh, thank goodness we're coming out of the asteroid field.

  Chewie barks excitedly as the rain of asteroids begins to

  subside. A bolt from the Star Destroyer sets up a fiery

  explosion on the back side of the Falcon, causing it to lurch

  to one side.


  The Falcon is hit hard by another bolt from the Star

  Destroyer which creates a huge explosion near the cockpit of

  the smaller ship. The Falcon tilts steeply, then rights



  Han corrects the angle of his ship.

  HAN: Let's get out of here. Ready for light-speed? One...two...three!

  Han pulls back on the hyperspace throttle and -- nothing

  happens. Flak bursts continue to rock the ship.

  HAN: (frantic) It's not fair!

  Chewie is very angry and starts to growl and bark at his

  friend and captain. Again, Han desperately pulls back on the


  HAN: The transfer circuits are working. It's not my fault!

  Chewie puts his head in his hands, whining.

  LEIA: (almost expecting it) No light-speed?

  HAN: It's not my fault.

  THREEPIO: Sir, we just lost the main rear deflector shield. One more

  direct hit on the back quarter and we're done for.

  Han pauses for a mcomnt, makes a decision, and pulls back

  on a lever.

  HAN: Turn her around.

  Chewie barks in puzzlcomnt.

  HAN: I said turn her around! I'm going to put all power in the front


  LEIA: You're going to attack them?!

  THREEPIO: Sir, the odds of surviving a direct assault on an Imperial

  Star Destroyer...

  LEIA: Shut up!


  The Falcon banks, makes a steep, twisting turn. In the

  next mcomnt it is racing toward the Star Destroyer, looking

  very small against the massive surface of the Imperial ship.

  As it moves across the surface of the Star Destroyer, the

  Falcon bobs and weaves to avoid the ncomrous flak bursts.


  The tiny Falcon heads directly for the Avenger's bridge.

  The Imperials stationed there are stunned to see the small

