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Election Ballad

  Ele Bald</p>

  At the close of the test for representing the Dumfries Burghs, 1790.</p>

  Addressed traham, Esq. of Fintry.</p>

  Fintry, my stay in wordly strife,</p>

  Friend o' my muse, friend o' my life,</p>

  Are ye as idle's I am?</p>

  e then, wi' uncouth kintra fleg,</p>

  asus I'll fling my leg,</p>

  And ye shall see me try him.</p>

  But where shall I go rin a ride,</p>

  That I may sptter nane beside?</p>

  I wad na be uncivil:</p>

  In manhood's various paths and ways</p>

  There's aye some doytin' body strays,</p>

  And I ride like the devil.</p>

  Thus I break aff wi' a' my birr,</p>

  And down yon dark, deep alley spur,</p>

  Where Theologics daunder:</p>

  As! curst wi' eternal fogs,</p>

  And damn'd iing bogs,</p>

  As sure's the creed I'll blunder!</p>

  I'll stain a band, or jaup a gown,</p>

  Or rin my reckless, guilty </p>

  Against the haly door:</p>

  Sair do I rue my luckless fate,</p>

  When, as the Muse an' Deil wad hae't,</p>

  I rade that road before.</p>

  Suppose I take a spurt, and mix</p>

  Amang the wilds o' Politics—</p>

  Electors aed,</p>

  Where dogs at Court (sad sons of bitches!)</p>

  Septennially a madouches,</p>

  Till all the nd's ied.</p>

  All hail! Drumnrig's haughty Grace,</p>

  Discarded remnant of a race</p>

  Once godlike—great in story;</p>

  Thy forbears' virtues all trasted,</p>

  The very name of Dougs bsted,</p>

  Thihat ied glory!</p>

  Hate, envy, oft the Dougs bore,</p>

  But thou hast superadded more,</p>

  And sunk them in pt;</p>

  Follies and crimes have stain'd the name,</p>

  But, Queensberry, thihe virgin cim,</p>

  From aught that's good exempt!</p>

  I'll sing the zeal Drumnrig bears,</p>

  Who left the all-important cares</p>

  Of princes, and their darlings:</p>

  And, bent on winning bh touns,</p>

  Came shaking hands wi' wabster-loons,</p>

  And kissing barefit carlins.</p>

  bustion thro' our bhs rode,</p>

  Whistling his r pack abroad</p>

  Of mad unmuzzled lions;</p>

  As Queensberry blue and buff unfurl'd,</p>

  Aerha' and Hopetoun hurled</p>

  To every Whig defiance.</p>

  But cautious Queensberry left the war,</p>

  Th' unmanner'd dust might soil his star,</p>

  Besides, he hated bleeding:</p>

  But left behind him heroes bright,</p>

  Heroes in Caesarean fight,</p>

  Or Ciian pleading.</p>

  O for a throat like huge Mons-Meg,</p>

  To muster o'er each ardent Whig</p>

  Beh Drumnrig's banners;</p>

  Heroes and heroines ix,</p>

  All in the field of politics,</p>

  To win immortal honours.</p>

  M'Murdo and his lovely spouse,</p>

  (Th' enamour'd urels kiss her brows!)</p>

  Led on the Loves and Graces:</p>

  She won each gaping burgess' heart,</p>

  While he, sub rosa, pyed his part</p>

  Amang their wives and sses.</p>

  Craigdarroch led a light-arm'd core,</p>

  Tropes, metaphors, and figures pour,</p>

  Like Hec streaming thunder:</p>

  Glenriddel, skill'd in rusty s,</p>

  Blew up each Tory's dark designs,</p>

  And bared the treason under.</p>

  Iher wing two champions fought;</p>

  Redoubted Staig, who set at nought</p>

  The wildest savage Tory;</p>

  And Welsh who ne'er yet flinch'd his ground,</p>

  High-wav'd his magnum-bonum round</p>

  With Cyclopeian fury.</p>

  Miller brought up th' artillery ranks,</p>

  The many-pounders of the Banks,</p>

  Resistless desotion!</p>

  While Maxwelton, that baron bold,</p>

  'Mid Lawson's port entrench'd his hold,</p>

  And threaten'd worse damnation.</p>

  To these what Tory hosts oppos'd</p>

  With these what Tory warriors clos'd</p>

  Surpasses my descriving;</p>

  Squadroended long and rge,</p>

  With furious speed rush to the charge,</p>

  Like furious devils driving.</p>

  What verse sing, rose narrate,</p>

  The butcher deeds of bloody Fate,</p>

  Amid this mighty tulyie!</p>

  Grim Hirn'd, pale Terror roar'd,</p>

  As Murder at his thrapple shor'd,</p>

  And Hell mix'd in the brulyie.</p>

  As Highnd craigs by thunder cleft,</p>

  When lightnings fire the stormy lift,</p>

  Hurl down with crashing rattle;</p>

  As fmes among a hundred woods,</p>

  As headlong foam from a hundred floods,</p>

  Such is the rage of Battle.</p>

  The stubborn Tories dare to die;</p>

  As soon the rooted oaks would fly</p>

  Before th' approag fellers:</p>

  The Whigs e on like O's roar,</p>

  When all his wintry billows pour</p>

  Against the Bu Bullers.</p>

  Lo, from the shades of Death's deep night,</p>

  Departed Whigs enjoy the fight,</p>

  And think on former daring:</p>

  The muffled murtherer of Charles</p>

  The Magna Charter fg unfurls,</p>

  All deadly gules its bearing.</p>

  Nor wanting ghosts of Tory fame;</p>

  Bold Scrimgeour follows galnt Graham;</p>

  Auld anters shiver—</p>

  Five! five! much-wrong'd Montrose!</p>

  Now Death and Hell engulph thy foes,</p>

  Thou liv'st on high for ever.</p>

  Still o'er the field the bat burns,</p>

  The Tories, Whigs, give way by turns;</p>

  But Fate the word has spoken:</p>

  For woman's wit and strength o'man,</p>

  As! do but what they ;</p>

  The Tory ranks are broken.</p>

  O that my een were flowing burns!</p>

  My voice, a liohat mourns</p>

  Her darling cubs' undoing!</p>

  That I might greet, that I might cry,</p>

  While Tories fall, while Tories fly,</p>

  And furious Whigs pursuing!</p>

  What Whig but melts food Sir James,</p>

  Dear to his try, by the names,</p>

  Friend, Patron, Beor!</p>

  Not Pulteney's wealth Pulteney save;</p>

  And Hopetoun falls, the generous, brave;</p>

  And Stewart, bold as Hector.</p>

  Thou, Pitt, shalt rue this overthrow,</p>

  And Thurlow growl a curse of woe,</p>

  And Melville melt in wailing:</p>

  Now Fox and Sheridan rejoice,</p>

  And Burke shall sing, “O Prince, arise!</p>

  Thy power is all-prevailing!”</p>

  For your poor friend, the Bard, afar</p>

  He only hears ahe war,</p>

  A cool spectator purely!</p>

  So, wheorm the forest rends,</p>

  The robin in the hedge desds,</p>

  And sober chirps securely.</p>

  Now, for my friends' and brethren's sakes,</p>

  And for my dear-lov'd Land o' Cakes,</p>

  I pray with holy fire:</p>

  Lord, send a rough-shod troop o' Hell</p>

  O'er a' wad Sd buy or sell,</p>

  To grind them in the mire!</p>
