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Elegy On Captain Matthew Henderson

  Elegy On Captain Matthew Henderson</p>

  A Gentleman who held the Patent for his Honours immediately from Almighty God.</p>

  Should the poor be fttered?—Shakespeare.</p>

  O Death! thou tyrant fell and bloody!</p>

  The meikle devil wi' a woodie</p>

  Haurl thee hame to his bck smiddie,</p>

  O'er hur hides,</p>

  And like stock-fish e o'er his studdie</p>

  Wi' thy auld sides!</p>

  He's gane, he's gane! he's frae us torn,</p>

  The ae best fellow e'er was born!</p>

  Thee, Matthew, Nature's sel' shall mourn,</p>

  By wood and wild,</p>

  Where haply, Pity strays forlorn,</p>

  Frae man exil'd.</p>

  Ye hills, near neighbours o' the starns,</p>

  That proudly cock your cresting s!</p>

  Ye cliffs, the haunts of sailing earns,</p>

  Where Echo slumbers!</p>

  e joiure's sturdiest bairns,</p>

  My wailing numbers!</p>

  Mourn, ilka grove the cushat kens!</p>

  Ye haz'ly shaws and briery dens!</p>

  Ye burnies, wimplin' down ylens,</p>

  Wi' toddlin din,</p>

  Or foaming, strang, wi' hasty stens,</p>

  Frae lin to lin.</p>

  Mourn, little harebells o'er the lea;</p>

  Ye stately foxgloves, fair to see;</p>

  Ye woodbines hanging bonilie,</p>

  Ied bow'rs;</p>

  Ye roses on your thorny tree,</p>

  The first o' flow'rs.</p>

  At dawn, when ev'ry grassy bde</p>

  Droops with a diamond at his head,</p>

  At ev'n, when beans their fragrance shed,</p>

  I' th' rustling gale,</p>

  Ye maukins, whiddin thro' the gde,</p>

  e join my wail.</p>

  Mourn, ye wee songsters o' the wood;</p>

  Ye grouse that crap the heather bud;</p>

  Ye curlews, calling thro' a clud;</p>

  Ye whistling plover;</p>

  And mourn, we whirring paitrick brood;</p>

  He's gane for ever!</p>

  Mourn, sooty coots, and speckled teals;</p>

  Ye fisher herons, watg eels;</p>

  Ye dud drake, wi' airy wheels</p>

  Cirg the ke;</p>

  Ye bitterns, till the quagmire reels,</p>

  Rair for his sake.</p>

  Mourn, cm'ring craiks at close o' day,</p>

  'Mang fields o' fl clay;</p>

  And when ye wing your annual >

  Frae our cud shore,</p>

  Tell thae far warlds wha lies in cy,</p>

  Wham we deplore.</p>

  Ye houlets, frae your ivy bow'r</p>

  In some auld tree, or eldritch tow'r,</p>

  What time the moon, wi' silent glow'r,</p>

  Sets up her horn,</p>

  Wail thro' the dreary midnight hour,</p>

  Till waukrife morn!</p>

  O rivers, forests, hills, and pins!</p>

  Oft have ye heard my ty strains;</p>

  But now, what else for me remains</p>

  But tales of woe;</p>

  And frae my een the drapping rains</p>

  Maun ever flow.</p>

  Mourn, Spring, thou darling of the year!</p>

  Ilk cowslip cup shall kep a tear:</p>

  Thou, Simmer, while each y spear</p>

  Shoots up its head,</p>

  Thy gay, green, flow'ry tresses shear,</p>

  For him that's dead!</p>

  Thou, Autumn, wi' thy yellow hair,</p>

  In grief thy sallow maear!</p>

  Thou, Winter, hurling thro' the air</p>

  The r bst,</p>

  Wide o'er the naked world decre</p>

  The worth we've lost!</p>

  Mourn him, thou Sun, great source of light!</p>

  Mourn, Empress of the silent night!</p>

  And you, ye twinkling starnies bright,</p>

  My Matthew mourn!</p>

  For through your orbs he's ta'en his flight,</p>

  o return.</p>

  O Henderson! the man! the brother!</p>

  And art thou gone, and gone for ever!</p>

  And hast thou crost that unknown river,</p>

  Life's dreary bound!</p>

  Like thee, where shall I find another,</p>

  The world around!</p>

  Go to your sculptur'd tombs, ye Great,</p>

  In a' the tirash o' state!</p>

  But by thy hourf I'll wait,</p>

  Thou man of worth!</p>

  Ahe ae best fellow's fate</p>

  E'er y ih.</p>
