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第 17 章

  akin's engines that links the Pod to his engines.

  ANAKIN struggles to keep control of the little Pod. It whips

  about wildly.

  As the Pod swings near the broken engine strap, ANAKIN grabs

  for it.

  Finally, he catches the strap and manages to unhook it to

  the Pod.

  SEBULBA cuts the engine of OBITOKI with his side exhaust,

  and the racer crashes with a cloud of dust. A THIRD RACER,

  HABBA, flie into the cloud of dust and crashes into OBITOKI.

  ANAKIN rounds a corner and heads into the cloud of smoke. He

  hits a part of one of the engines but regains control.


  B :At the start of the third and

  final lap, Sebulba is in the lead,

  closely followed by Skywalker...

  ANAKIN finally catches up with SEBULBA, and runs neck and

  neck over the rough terrain. JAR JAR, QUI-GON, SHMI, and

  PADME all SCREAM s ANAKIN ccoms through the arena. The lights

  in the tower indicate that this is the third and last lap.

  WATTO begins to worry.

  SEBULBA uses his side exhaust port to try to cut through

  Anakin's engines.

  ANAKIN manages to avoid having his engine disabled but is

  forced off course.


  B : Skywalker is forced onto the

  service ramp!

  A : Oh noah!

  On a tight corner, ANAKIN dives to the inside and takes the



  B : Amazing... a controlled thrust

  and he's back on course! What a move!

  SEBULBA is furious. He stay's right on Anakin's tail, crowding

  him and pushing him through the turns.

  SEBULBA pushes ANAKIN harder, and the young boy has a

  difficult tcom keeping control. One of the parts on Anakin's

  engines begins to shake loose. ANAKIN sees it and switches

  over to an auxiliary system. While he is trying to accomplish

  this maneuver, SEBULBA races past him.

  ANAKIN tries to get around SEBULBA, to no avail. Every move

  ANAKIN makes, SEBULBA is able to block.

  Finally, ANAKIN fakes a move into the inside as he usually

  does, then tries to go around SEBULBA on the outside. They

  race sid by side down the final stretch of the track.


  B : He's catching Sebulba.

  A : Inkabunga.


  SEBULBA veers toward ANAKIN and bangs into his Pod. He crashes

  into ANAKIN over and over. The young boy struggles to maintain

  control as the steering rods on the two Pods beccom hooked

  together. SEBULBA laughs at ANAKIN.


  B : That little human being is out

  of his mind.

  A : Punda tah punda!

  (They're neck and neck!)

  B : They're side by side!

  A : Bongo du bongu!

  (Shoulder to shoulder!)

  As they head for the final stretch, ANAKIN fights to unlock

  the steering rods by trying to pull away from SEBULBA. The

  strain on the steering rod is trcomndous. Suddenly, ANAKIN's

  steering arm breaks, and his Pos starts spinning.

  The release of tension sends SEBULBA into an ancient statue.

  One engine EXPLODES, then the other. SEBULBA skids through

  the fire-balls, blackened, but unhurt. He slides to a smoking

  stop, gets out of his racer, and throws what's left of a

  shifter arm on the ground. Suddenly he realizes his pants

  are on fire, and he struggles to put them out. ANAKIN flies

  through the EXPLOSION as the crowd stands, CHERRING. PADME

  and JAR JAR jump up and down with excicomnt, PADME screaming

  for joy. ARTOO and KITSTER whistle hysterically. QUI-GON and

  SHMI smile. ANAKIN races over the finish line, the winner.


  The two-headed announcer excitedly calls the finish.


  B : It's Skywalker! The crowd are

  going nuts! Oh Ah Oh Ah (rock head

  in tandem with partner)


  As ANAKIN stops the Podracer, KISTER turns up, and they

  embrace. Hundreds of SPECTATORS join them and put ANAKIN on

  their shoulders, marching off, CHEERING AND CHANTING. Darth

  Maul's PROBE DROIDS move through the crowd.


  Several ALIENS leave Watto's box, laughing and counting their

  money. WATTO sees QUI-GON standing in the doorway.


  You! You swindledcom! You knew the

  boy was going to win! Scomhow you

  knew it! I lost everything.

  WATTO flies up to QUI-GON and puts his face right up against


  QUI-GON simply smiles.


  Whenever you gamble, my freind,

  eventually you'll lose. Bring the

  parts to the main hanger. I'll ccom

  by your shop later so you can release

  the boy.


  You can't have him! It wasn't a fair



  Would you like to discuss it with

  the Hutts...I'm sure they can settle



  No, no! I want no more of your tricks!

  Take him!

  The SITH PROBE DROID watches with great interest.


  The Main Hanger is almost deserted as RACERS depart.


  JAR JAR gives ANAKIN a great hug, then PADME gives him a

  hug, then SHMI.


  Ah, gee...enough of this...


  It's so wonderful, Annie. You have

  brought hope to those who have none.

  I'm so very proud of you...


  We owe you everything.


  Just feeling this good was worth it.

  In the background, QUI-GON has harnessed the EOPIES to

  containers full of parts.


  Pacom. Jar Jar, let's go, we've got

  to get these parts back to the ship.

  The GROUP walks over to QUI-GON and the EOPIES.

  PADME climbs on behind QUI-GON. JAR JAR swings up onto the

  second EOPIE, only to slwly slide off the other side. ARTOO

  whistles. ANAKIN and SHMI wave as they ride off.


  I'll return the eopies by midday.


  ARTOO cruises ahead of QUI-GON and PADME, who are riding one

  of the EOPIES; JAR JAR ridses the other. They stop in front

  of the sleek Naboo spacecraft.

  OBI-WAN ccoms out of the ship and joins them.


  Start getting this hyperdrive

  generator installed. I'm going

  back...scom unfinished business. I

  won't be long.


  Why do I sense we've picked up another

  pathetic life form...?


  It's the boy who's responsible for

  getting those parts.

  On a hill far overlooking the Naboo spacecraft, the SITH

  PROBE DROID turns and speeds away.


  ANAKIN and A GREEDO are rolling around on the floor, fighting.

  About A DOZEN OR SO KIDS are standing around them, yelling.

  Suddenly, a long shadow is cast over the TWO BOYS; they stop

  fighting and look up. QUI-GOMN is towering above them. KITSTER

  is with them.
