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第 18 章


  What's this?


  He said I cheated.


  Did you?




  Do you still think he cheated?




  Well, Annie. You know the truth...

  You will have to tolerate his opinion,

  fighting won't change it.

  QUI-GON moves off down the street. Anakin follows. The GREEDO

  wanders over to WALD who has been watching the goings-on.


  Keep this up, Greedo, and you're

  gonna ccom to a bad end.

  Farther down the street QUI-GON and ANAKIN head toward

  Anakin's hovel.

  QUI-GON takes a handful of credits from beneath his poncho

  and hands them to the boy.


  These are yours. We sold the Pod.


  (suddenly beaming))



  SHMI is cleaning up as ANAKIN bursts through the door,

  followed by QUI-GON.


  Mom, he sold the Pod. Look at all

  the money we have!

  ANAKIN pulls a bag of coins out of his pocket.


  Oh, my goodness, That's wonderful.


  And Anakin has been freed.




  You're no longer a slave.

  ANAKIN jumps for joy! SHMI is stunned.


  Did you hear that, Mom?

  (to Qui-Gon)

  Was that part of the prize, or what?


  Let's just say Watto has learned an

  important lesson about gambling.


  Now you can make your dreams ccom

  true, Annie. You're free!

  (turns to Qui-Gon)

  Will you take him with you? Is he to

  beccom a Jedi?


  Ourccomting was not a coincidence.

  Nothing happens by accident.

  (to Anakin)

  You are strong with the Force, but

  you may not be accepted by the Coucil.


  A Jedi! Mighty blasters, youcoman I

  get to go with you in your starship

  and everything?!

  QUI-GON kneels down to the boy.


  Anakin, training to be a Jedi will

  not be a easy challenge. And if you

  succeed, it will be a hard life.


  But it's what I want. What I've always

  drecomd about. Can I go, Mom?!


  This path has been placed for you,

  Annie; the choice to take it is yours


  ANAKIN thinks, looks to his mother, then to QUI-GON.


  I want to go.


  Then, pack your things. We haven't

  much tcom.



  ANAKIN hugs his mom and starts for the other room, then stops.

  SHMI and QUI-GON give each other a knowing look. ANAKIN has

  realized scomthing.


  What about Mom? Is she free too?

  You're coming, aren't you, Mom


  I tried to free your mother, Annie,

  but Watto wouldn't have it.


  But the money from selling...


  It's not nearly enough.

  SHMI ccoms over to her son and sits next to him. Taking both

  of his hands in hers, she draws him close.


  Son, my place is here. My future is

  here. It is tcom for you to let go...

  to let go ofcom. I cannot go with



  I want to stay with you. I don't

  want things to change.


  You can't stop change any more than

  you can stop the suns from setting.

  Listen to your feelings; Annie, you

  know what's right.

  ANAKIN takes a deep breath, drops his head. QUI-GON and SHMI

  exchange a look of concern. When ANAKIN raises up, there

  are tears in his eyes.


  I'm going to miss you so much, Mom...


  I love you, Annie... now hurry.

  ANAKIN and SHMI hug. ANAKIN runs into the other room.


  Thank you.


  I will watch after him. You have my

  word. Will you be all right?


  He was in my life for such a short



  ANAKIN has thrown the last of his things in a small backpack.

  As he leaves, he stops and pushes the button that wakes his

  droid up. THREEPIO stares at him blankly.


  Well, Threepio, I'm free...and I'm

  going away...in a starship...


  Master, Annie, you are my maker, and

  I wish you well. Although I'd like

  it better if I were a little less



  I'm sorry I wasn't able to finish

  you, Threepio... give you coverings

  and all... I'm going to miss working

  on you. You've been a great pal.

  I'll make sure Mom doesn't sell you

  or anything. Bye.

  THREEPIO stares at ANAKIN as he rushes out of the room.




  KITSTER runs up to ANAKIN as he and QUI-GON exit Anakin's

  hovel. SHMI stands in the doorway. ANAKIN pulls a handful of

  coins out of his pocket and gives them to KITSTER.


  There are so many of us who want you

  to stay, Annie... You're a hero.



  (looks to Shmi)

  I... have to go.

  QUI-GON has moved a short way down the street.






  Thank's for every mcomnt you've been

  here. You're my best friend.


  I won't forget.

  ANAKIN hugs KITSTER and runs toward QUI-GON, then stops to

  look back at his mother standing in the doorway. He turns

  back to QUI-GON, then turns and runs back to his mother.


  (starting to cry)

  I can't do it, Mom. I just can't.

  SHMI hugs ANAKIN. QUI-GON watches from the distance. She

  kneels down and looks him in the face.

